We offer free counseling for all citizens and companies in South Greenland. Contact us and find out how we can help you
Foto: Aningaaq R. Carlsen / VisitGreenland
Innovation South Greenland is supporting local companies in the food business to create a community strenghtening food production and development in the region
Foto: Mads Pihl / VisitGreenland
Innovation South Greenland is the destination management and marketing organisation for the entire region of South Greenland.
Foto: Inooraq Brandt - Little Man Burning
Read more about our work related to mine projects in the region. Our goal is to ensure commitment the the local community and use of the local workforce
South Greenland holds a huge potential within the area of Blue Economy. Contact us for more info
Foto: Aningaaq R. Carlsen / VisitGreenland
Innovation South Greenland A/S is the center of Business, Tourism Development and Entrepreneurship in South Greenland.
Collaboration leads to results! Our main task is to create bonds between collaborators and professional fields in a way that creates growth and development in the whole region of South Greenland.
Contact us if you need professional counseling to start up a business or to develop your existing shop or company.
As of 2023, ISG works with 7 different economic pillars: Tourism, Food Production, UNESCO World Heritage, Fishing-Hunting-Agriculture, Other Industry, Mining & Geology and Education. This website will be updated to reflect additional focus areas. Below one can read about the four pillars we have worked with previously.
Fishing & Hunting
Mining and Geology
Innovation South Greenland's report about the viability of the development of wool products in South Greenland (published in Greenlandic & Danish).
We offer counseling in all phases of the business development of your company. This applies to new entrepreneurs as well as established well-running companies. Among other things, we can assist in the development of business plans and company form.
photo: Hal Gatewood/
We have all around knowledge of financing options. We also have access to In Greenland, the most accessible support option is to go through Innovation Greenland.
photo: Micheile Henderson/
We are specialists in product development and can help turn your good idea into a salable product. This applies to both the development of services as well as physical products.
photo: Elaine Casap/
Innovation South Greenland participates in several international cluster collaborations, including in Blue Economy. In addition, we facilitate several local working groups with the aim of creating a common path for development in South Greenland in the future.
photo: Headway/
We offer courses and workshops within the topics described above. We can put together special courses that suit exactly the topic you and your organization needs to be qualified in.
(payment may occur depending on the customer and the form of the course / workshop)
photo: kaleidico/
Innovation South Greenland A/S
Augo Lyngesvej B-1262
3920 Qaqortoq
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Phone: +299 64 71 31
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Communications officer
(Maternity Leave)
E-mail: nvaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Consulant for fishing and hunting and other industries
Phone: +299 64 71 32
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
KUJATAA Park Ranger
Phone: +299 64 71 34
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As of 1 July 2023, ISG has grown, namely with 4 new employees and a new service contract with Naalakkersuisut, the Government of Greenland, for Agricultural Consulting Services (NUSI).
This page is under construction. Please see for further information.
Head Consultant - Agricultural Consulting Services
Tlf.: +299 64 71 53
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Leader - Agricultural Consulting Services
Tlf.: +299 64 71 50
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Financial Consultant - Agricultural Consulting Services
Phone: +299 64 71 52
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Støffen Lund, Chairman of the Board
Kattie Nielsen, Vicechairman of the Board, Owner - Qajaq Brewery Greenland
Elna Jensen, Board Member, Sheep Farmer - Sillisit
Mogens Humlekrog Greve, Board Member, Professor - Århus Universitet
Ole Vestergaard, Board Member, Director - Neqi A/S
Tine Pars, Board Member, Municipal Director - Kommune Kujalleq
Kasper Motzfeldt, Board Member, Fisher and hunter, Board member of NAPP Narsaq
Naasu Borg, Board Member, Assistant Manager - Hotel Kap Farvel
You can find ISG employees in three places.
Our main office is in a long, red building at Augo Lyngesvej B-1262. Here you can find:
Our agriculture department is in a red house at Anders Olsensvej B-1348.
The Upernaviarsuk Gardener is located at Upernaviarsuk Research Station.
Copyright - Innovation South Greenland A/S, Torvevej 37, B-163, 3920 Qaqortoq. Grønland